Part of supporting our young people with career education and pathways is to ensure they have chances to explore work opportunities, through part-time work. You may have seen in a recent Board Communication that we are working with the Johnsonville Business Association to develop part time, and work experience opportunities.
While we develop that proposal, we are also wanting to work with our whānau and community to see what part time work opportunities you might have available, through your work or other connections that would be suitable for our students.
The discussions we have had with the Johnsonville Business Association so far, are about relaying to them that we have a wonderful group of students at our school many of whom are looking for part time, paid mahi. If you have part time work opportunities or know of part time work opportunities, please contact us and we will promote them to our students.
Evidence shows that the more exposure to different types of work young people have, the better it benefits them, both in terms of employability and earnings potential. Having a part time job is part of building life long skills.
If you have or know of someone who has part time work or a chance for some work experience, please get in contact. You will have access to hundreds of awesome tauira looking to earn some money and learn new skills.